Galanian Tokens
Galanian money is known as the token, and each token has its own value that can be further divided into divisions of the original.
Full Token (Tok) - Almost fist-sized balls crafted from a rare metal with a stamp of the kingdom. Approximately worth a team of paerxen.
Half Token (Hatok) - Usually made from a less-rare metal, the size of a Dansali's palm, and with scalloped edges. Worth half a full token.
Quarter Token (Quarter) - The same as a half token, but half the size. Worth an eighth of a half token.
Second Token (Sec) - Part of a half token that has been cut into six pieces. Worth half a quarter token.
Half-Sec (No-Sec) - A bit of flattened metal with a hole in its middle and a stamp in the shape of Galania's three-bladed crown. Worth an eighth of a second token.
Rael Token (Rael) - Made from a bright blue stone called aleandite for the Aleasancian regions where it most often found. Worth one fourth of a half-sec.
Half-Rael (Harael) - Constructed out of clay with a special stamp in the shape of two overlapping Galanian three-bladed crowns. Three are worth a quarter of a rael.
Quarter-Rael (Crail) - Little squares of smooth glass with a chip of metal in their middle. Worth an eighth of a half-rael.
Pan-An (Beggar's Token) - Small clay balls about the size of a fingertip. Worth a tenth of a quarter-rael.